Tuesday, February 7, 2023

A Transformation

SINCE I HAVE POSTED A NEW BLOG WITH APOLOGIES, I HERE SHARE A BRIEF BUT POIGNENT ESSAY A TRANSFORMATION In one week, Mim was transformed from a semi-functional older woman with mobility issues to an older woman evidently no longer capable of autonomy. She did have significant mobility issues. Acknowledging this, she brokered weekly visits by a physical therapist, ordered a rollator -- the heretofore unknown name for a walker with wheels—and signed up for a medical alert device. But then she learned that a nurse would visit once a week. And people began calling her ‘sweetie’. She was not a ‘sweetie’. Then she learned that her brother needed to undergo a tortuous treatment for bladder cancer. And her gas fireplace stopped working. And the urgently needed refund from an aborted tour did not arrive. The funds were needed for urgently needed house repairs. It was enough to generate irresponsible drinking ... or at least one glass of good wine

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